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Tenured faculty and faculty members who have completed their third year of the tenure track process are eligible to apply for one or more types of paid professional development leaves or sabbaticals. Eligibility, application processes, and faculty responsibilities while on leave and returning from leaves are clearly defined and described in the LRCFT contract. The FLC process for applying for leaves is coordinated by the Sabbatical Leaves Subcommittee of the Professional Development Committee and the Office of Instruction. LRCFT negotiates with the district to determine the amount of leave available to each college.

Each semester the Instruction Office sends a memo to eligible faculty, which details the leave available for the next semester and the timelines for applying. This information is also provided in the trays below. Interested faculty members are encourage to begin planning potential leave requests well before the deadline and to work with members of the Sabbatical Leaves Subcommittee and their immediate supervisors to prepare a competitive application.

Los Rios Sabbatical Leave Application

Frequently Asked Questions