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Home Planning and Research Annual Planning

The annual planning process by which departments/disciplines, service areas, and work units ensure the development and maintenance of high quality programs and services to support student learning.

Annual Department Plans (ADPs) and Annual Unit Plans (AUPs) focus on a one year time frame and contains data that informs resource allocation decisions. Summaries of ADP/AUP findings, themes and resource requests are reviewed by the Institutional Planning Committee, the college's primary governance committee for planning, and the Executive Management Team (president and vice-presidents); and, influence annual goals and objectives - desired outcomes priorities. Divisions utilize Summaries of ADP/AUP findings, themes and resource requests to inform prioritization decisions.

Historically, ADPs/AUPs were named for the upcoming academic year (e.g. an ADP written in 2015-16 was named 2016-17). As of spring 2017, all ADPs and AUPs are named for the current year in which the plan was written (e.g. an ADP written in 2017-18 will be named 2017-18).