The Folsom Lake College Academic Senate serves as the representative voice of faculty with regard to Academic and Professional matters.
The faculty is organized through the Academic Senate. Senators are elected by each area to serve a term of two years. The officers are elected college-wide for a term of two years. The responsibility of the senators is to be an information conduit between their areas and the Senate and to act on behalf of the area faculty they represent. The president of the Academic Senate makes all faculty appointments to standing committees.
The Academic Senate, as the official representative body of the faculty, shall make recommendations to the Administration of Folsom Lake College and to the Los Rios Community College Board of Trustees with respect to academic and professional matters including, but not limited to, the following:
- Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines
- Degree and certificate requirements
- Grading policies
- Educational program development
- Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success
- District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles
- Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self study and annual reports
- Policies for faculty professional development activities and instructional improvement days
- Processes for program review
- Processes for institutional planning and budget development
- Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the College President and the Folsom Lake College Academic Senate (Title 5 Regulations, Subchapter 2, Section 53200, 53203)
- Present a formal, representative voice on any matter affecting the conduct and welfare of the college.
- Recommend appointment of faculty representatives to committees requiring faculty representation. Appoint faculty to serve on college or district committees, task forces, or other groups dealing with academic and professional matters (section 53202,f).
- Assume such appropriate responsibilities and functions as may be requested of it by college faculty including any senator as defined in Article III of this document.
- Implement responsibilities, powers, and duties not denied faculty by union contract or law.
- Promote communication and mutual understanding among and within all segments of the Folsom Lake College community and with the other colleges of the Los Rios Community College District.
- Promote the best interests of higher education by sharing in the governance of Folsom Lake College.
- Direct the development of college hiring criteria and job descriptions as they affect college-wide faculty positions (section 87360).
- Participate in the implementation of district policies and procedures regarding equivalencies to minimum qualifications (section 87359), reassignment of administrators (section 87458), and exceptions to the minimum degree requirements for tenure (section 87615), and provide the administration with the advice and judgment of the faculty in regards to these matters.
Members for 2023-2024
President: Eric Wada
Vice President: Wayne Jensen
Executive Secretary: Lisa Danner
Past President: Paula Cardwell
Business, Library Science, and Information Technology
Languages and Literature
Andrew Williamson
Kathy Leland
David Lacy
Tracy Rauschkolb
Math, Science, and Engineering
Christa Oberth
Jason Pittman
Denis Jordan
Counseling and Student Life
Kinesiology, Health, Athletics & Nutrition
Career Technical Education
Social and Behavioral Sciences & Humanities
Danielle Beck
Tamara Cheshire
Visual and Performing Arts
Lishia Rahman-Jackson
Marisa Sayago
Adjunct Faculty
Ex-Officio Members
Affordable Learning Materials: Megan Ozeran
Budget and Facilities Planning: Jennifer Black
Curriculum: Danny Siegfried
Matriculation & Student Success: Dr. Bernadette Anayah
Multicultural & Diversity: Phillip Angove
Professional Development: Nino Conley
Technology: Zack Dowell
LRCFT President: James Telles
Approved Documents
Approved Academic Senate Resolutions
Class Cancellation Guidelines
Department Transition/Creation Process
Faculty Office Assignment: Goals, Process, and Criteria
Office Assignment Request Form
Faculty on Special Assignment Hiring Process
FLC Principles of SLO Assessment
Proposal Form for New Department Formation
Revised Hiring Prioritization
S18 FLC Senate Resolution Collegial Consultation Online College
S19 FLC Senate Resolution EDC Student Activities
Academic Senate Bylaws
Academic Senate Constitution
Faculty Appointments to District Committees
Faculty Office Assignments
Spring 2025 FT Faculty Hiring Timelines
State Academic Senate
Plagiarism and Cheating Policy