Note: Additional forms may be found on the Los Rios Employees website.
Accessibility Support
Faculty: Utilize the A-Team for support and guidance on your course accessibility journey! We will work with you individually to create a robust plan for your online course materials.
Admissions & Records Forms
Access a variety of forms and petitions relating to student admission and record matters.
AV Media Services Forms
Make an audio visual request for a variety of support services from consultation to VHS dubbing
Behavior Intervention Referral Form
Help the Behavioral Intervention Team support the health and wellness of our students by reporting your concerns
College Store Forms
Order textbooks for your class and request to have your instructional materials printed.
Computer and IT Services Support Forms
View IT support forms for all your computer technical needs.
DSPS Test Proctoring Faculty Submission Form
If you would like to request catering services from Aramark, complete these steps.
Faculty ZTC eForm
The Faculty ZTC eForm allows the college to collect required ZTC data to report to the state Chancellor’s office. Faculty should fill out this form every semester in addition to submitting their textbook adoptions with the bookstore.
Office of Philanthropy Forms
Interested in giving to Folsom Lake College? View these forms here.
Office of Institutional Research Forms
Request Course SLO Assessments or other research/data from the OIR.
Office Supplies Request Forms
Fill out the appropriate request form for all of your office supply needs.
Performance Review Forms
Evaluation and observation are key to the success of the performance review process.
Printing & Mail Services Forms
Don't forget to submit a request form to assure your print materials are ready when you need them.
Professional Development and Flex Forms
Get the most out of Professional Development and Flex by submitting the appropriate forms.
Public Information Services Office Forms
Find forms that will help with your promotional, marketing, design and website services needs.
Starfish Early Alert Referral
Help Starfish Early Alert Referral staff in choosing support services that will meet a student's individual needs.
Student Conduct Referral Form
Report concerning student conduct and we'll take proper steps to investigate, stop, prevent, and remedy the situation in accordance with College policies.
Student Life Forms
Find forms regarding Student Life from supplies to classroom visits.
Travel Forms
Planning to travel for a field trip or other work-related activities? Find the forms here.