Academic Rights and Responsibilities
Folsom Lake College envisions an education system in which specific rights, obligations, and expectations for students and education providers are clearly expressed.
Access to Student Records
The Family Educational rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) was designed to protect the privacy of educational records and to establish the rights of students to inspect and review their educational records.
Alcohol, Drug, and Smoking Policies
Folsom Lake College's policies related to alcohol, drugs, and smoking on campus.
Computer and Internet Use Policies
Read our computer and internet use policy.
Student Standards of Conduct
Student conduct must comply with federal and state laws, college rules and regulations, and Los Rios Regulation R-2441
Equity, Discrimination, and Harassment
To nourish inclusion, Folsom Lake College champions equity, diversity, social justice, and environmental sustainability.
Free Speech on Campus
Academic integrity and responsibility mean acting honestly, conscientiously, and most importantly, honorably in all academic endeavors. Students are accountable for all that they say and write.
Plagiarism and Cheating
Academic integrity and responsibility mean acting honestly, conscientiously, and most importantly, honorably in all academic endeavors. Students are accountable for all that they say and write.
Posting on Campus
Folsom Lake College's policies and guidelines regarding posting on campus and the use of its bulletin boards.
Service Animals on Campus
Individuals with a disability, who needs a service animal, shall be able to participate in and benefit from college services, programs, and activities.
Social Media Policy
Folsom Lake College's policies and guidelines regarding social media use.
Student Disciplinary Procedures
Understand the student discipline process for alleged violations of student conduct.
Student Grievances and Class Related Concerns
Learn how to resolve Folsom Lake College student complaints or grievances.