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Home Guided Pathways AB 705 and Placement

About AB 705

State Assembly Bill (AB) 705 mandates all college students need to be provided the opportunity to take transfer level English and math within one year. For Folsom Lake College and the Los Rios Community College District, this means within a student’s first two semesters of study.

English and Math Placement

All new Folsom Lake College students will receive an English and math placement, via email, shortly after completing the Folsom Lake College online application. This placement, based on their high school records, will determine which English composition class or mathematics/statistics class (possibly with a required corequisite support class) they should enroll in.

Note: For students that are still learning English, they can take an English as a second language (ESL) assessment test through FLC that will place them in an ESL class that matches their skill level.